Strawberry Companion Plants | 25 Good And Bad Companion Plants For Strawberry

Welcome to the Strawberry Companion Plants post. Companion planting is the process by which plants are strategically placed together to form mutually beneficial associations. Today we will learn about strawberry companion plants in this post. The key to successful companion planting with strawberries is to choose plants that provide consistent benefits. Remember that in creating a successful garden, the right companion plants play an important role.

Companion planting is a great way to ensure a bumper strawberry crop. So gardeners and farmers have been using this method for many years. In this process, some compounds act as insect repellants, help increase soil fertility, and help reduce weed growth. Also provides shade and ground cover to cover strawberry plants. By choosing the right companion for this delicious and sweet fruit, you can help improve their growth, flavor, and overall health. Genres more interested in growing strawberries will hopefully benefit from reading this post. So read the full post well to know more details.

Strawberry Companion Plants

In this companion, we will explore colorful companion plants that can contribute to the overall success of your strawberry garden. From sweet sauces and flowering plants to salutary nonentity attractors and soil enrichers, we will punctuate the different range of options available to complement and support your strawberry plants. Whether you have a large garden or a small deck, these companion plants can be acclimated to different growing spaces and give an array of benefits to ensure your strawberry crop is abundant, healthy, and bursting with flavor.

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Embark on this trip to discover the world of strawberry companion plants and unleash the eventuality of a harmonious and fruitful garden.

Good Companion Plants For Strawberries

Looking for Strawberry companion plants? When it comes to cultivating a bountiful and thriving strawberry patch, it’s essential to harness the power of companion planting. Companion plants not only enhance the growth and health of strawberries but also offer a range of benefits, from pest control to flavor improvement. In this blog post, we’ll explore 20 Good companion plants for strawberries that can help you produce a harmonious and flourishing strawberry garden.

Strawberry companion plants


Known as the” freak factory,” borage attracts pollinators to your strawberry patch, icing better fruit set and yield. also, its star-shaped flowers act as natural repellents against common pests.


Adding vibrant tinges to your garden, nasturtiums serve as excellent companions for strawberries. They repel pests similar to aphids and whiteflies, while also attracting salutary insects like ladybugs and hoverflies.


With their bright colors and strong aroma, marigolds not only give a visual delight but also discourage nematodes and other dangerous soil-borne pests. Their presence in the strawberry patch improves overall factory health.


Planting chives near strawberries helps repel aphids and other pests. These protean sauces also add a mild onion flavor to your dishes, making them a perfect culinary companion.

Strawberry companion plants Garlic

The pungent aroma of garlic acts as an interference against pests and fungal conditions that might hang your strawberry plants. Plus, you will have a fresh force of garlic for your kitchen!


Analogous to garlic, onions have natural pest-repelling parcels. By interplanting onions and strawberries, you will discourage pests while enjoying a bountiful crop of both crops.


Thyme is a fantastic companion for strawberries as it acts as a natural germicide, helping to help common fungal conditions. It also repels pests similar to whiteflies and spider diminutives.


Like thyme, oregano is another condiment that offers natural pest control and fungal complaint forestallment. Its sweet leaves can also be used for culinary purposes.

Dill – Strawberry companion plants

By attracting salutary insects like parasitic wasps and lacewings, dill helps keep strawberry pests in check. also, its fern- suchlike leafage adds a seductive touch to your garden.


Tansy acts as a natural nonentity repellent, keeping down ants, Japanese beetles, and aphids. It also attracts pollinators, promoting better strawberry pollination and fruit set.


Planting chamomile near strawberries enhances their flavor and helps repel pests. This delicate condiment also adds a comforting and sweet presence to your garden.


Yarrow improves soil quality and attracts salutary insects that prey on strawberry pests. Its vibrant flowers add a beautiful touch to your garden while promoting overall factory health.


This low-growing factory not only adds charm with its delicate flowers but also attracts pollinators. Alyssum helps in the pollination process, leading to larger and juicier strawberries.

Strawberry companion plants Catnip

Catnip, while being a fave of our nimble musketeers, serves as an effective pest repellent. It helps discourage pests like aphids and flea beetles, icing a healthier strawberry crop.


Sage is known for its strong aroma, which acts as a natural pest interference. By planting savant near strawberries, you can keep dangerous insects at bay and ameliorate overall factory health.


Chervil is a protean condiment that not only deters pests but also adds a delicate flavor to strawberries. Its fern- suchlike leaves bring an elegant touch to your garden.


By planting tarragon alongside strawberries, you can discourage pests and enhance the flavor of your berries. This condiment adds a unique anise- a suchlike taste that dyads well with strawberries.


Calendula, with its vibrant and comestible flowers, attracts salutary insects and repels pests. It also adds a pop of color to your garden while promoting a healthy ecosystem.

Lemon attar

Lemon Attar is an excellent companion factory for strawberries, inhibiting pests and perfecting overall factory health. Its failure scent and flavor make it a pleasurable addition to your garden and kitchen.


With its beautiful grandiloquent flowers and sweet scent, lavender attracts pollinators to your strawberry patch. It also repels pests like moths and fleas, icing a serene and pest-free terrain.

Strawberry Companion Plants Chart

The strawberry companion plants chart is given below tables:

SerialCompanion PlantsBenefits
1Borage (Borago officinalis)Attracts pollinators and repels pests
2Nasturtium (Tropaeolum spp.)Acts as a natural pest repellent and attracts beneficial insects
3Marigold (Tagetes spp.)Deters pests and adds vibrant color to the garden
4Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)Repels aphids and improves overall growth
5Garlic (Allium sativum)Helps deter pests and fungal diseases
6Onions (Allium cepa)Repel pests and deter weeds
7Thyme (Thymus spp.)Acts as a natural fungicide and repels pests
8Oregano (Origanum vulgare)Repels pests and improves overall plant health
9Dill (Anethum graveolens)Attracts beneficial insects and repels pests
10Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)Repels pests and attracts beneficial insects
11Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)Enhances strawberry flavor and repels pests
12Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)Improves soil quality and attracts beneficial insects
13Alyssum (Lobularia maritima)Attracts pollinators and beneficial insects
14Catnip (Nepeta cataria)Deters pests and attracts pollinators
15Sage (Salvia officinalis)Repels pests and improves overall plant health
16Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium)Deters pests and adds a delicate flavor to strawberries
17Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)Deters pests and enhances the flavor of strawberries
18Calendula (Calendula officinalis)Repels pests and attracts beneficial insects
19Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)Deters pests and improves overall plant health
20Lavender (Lavandula spp.)Attracts pollinators and repels pests

Bad Companion Plants For Strawberries

While companion planting can greatly profit strawberry plants, it’s important to be apprehensive of plants that may have negative goods when grown alongside strawberries. These” bad” companion plants can potentially hamper the growth, health, and productivity of strawberries. They are some bad companion plants for strawberries are given below:


Plants from the brassica family, similar to cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, aren’t suitable companions for strawberries. Brassicas have high nutrient conditions and may contend with strawberries for essential nutrients in the soil, leading to suppressed growth and reduced yields for both plants.

Peppers and Tomatoes

Peppers and tomatoes are members of the nightshade family, and their close propinquity to strawberries can increase the threat of conditions like Verticillium wilt and other fungal infections that affect both plants. also, the high nitrogen conditions of peppers and tomatoes can lead to imbalanced nutrient uptake for strawberries.


Planting potatoes near strawberries is generally not recommended. Potatoes are susceptible to several conditions and pests, similar to late scar and Colorado potato beetles, which can fluently spread to strawberries and beget significant damage.


Onions, garlic, and chives release substances that can inhibit the growth of near plants, including strawberries. Their strong aroma and implicit allelopathic goods may negatively impact the growth and development of strawberries.


While fennel can be a salutary companion to some plants, it’s generally not recommended for strawberries. Fennel has an expansive root system that competes for water and nutrients, potentially depriving strawberries of the coffers they need to thrive.

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Note, It’s essential to plan your companion planting precisely, considering the specific requirements and relations between plants. Avoiding these bad companion plants will help ensure the optimal growth and productivity of your strawberry plants, leading to a bountiful crop of succulent and healthy fruits.
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Finally About Strawberry Companion Plants

Finally, about Strawberry companion plants. Companion planting is a smart and natural way to optimize your strawberry patch’s health and productivity. By strategically incorporating these 20 companion plants, you can produce a thriving garden ecosystem that repels pests, attracts pollinators, enhances flavor, and promotes the overall well-being of your strawberries. So, why not try these pleasurable companions and unleash the full eventuality of your strawberry garden? Happy planting!

People Also ask Questions (FAQ)

What shouldn’t be planted next to strawberries?

Strawberries shouldn’t be planted next to plants that are susceptible to the same conditions or pests, similar to tomatoes or potatoes. also, it’s stylish to avoid planting strawberries near plants that have invasive root systems, as they may contend for coffers.

What’s the best thing to plant next to strawberries?

Some of the stylish companion plants to grow alongside strawberries include borage, marigold, chives, thyme, and yarrow. These plants attract salutary insects, repel pests, and enhance the overall health and productivity of strawberries.

What are the best and worst companion plants for strawberries?

Strawberry companion plants: The stylish companion plants for strawberries include borage, marigold, chives, thyme, and yarrow. These plants offer a range of benefits similar to pest control, bettered pollination, and complaint forestallment. On the other hand, the worst companion plants for strawberries would be those that are susceptible to the same pests and conditions or those that have aggressive root systems that may contend with strawberries for coffers.

Where do strawberries grow best?

Strawberries grow stylishly in well-drained soil that’s rich in organic matter. They prefer full sun exposure, although they can tolerate partial shade. Regions with a mild climate and a sufficient nipping period in downtime are ideal for strawberry civilization. also, strawberries thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5.

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