Sweet Potato Companion Plants | 31 Good And Bad Companion Plants For Sweet Potato

Sweet potato, scientifically known as Ipomoea batatas. Today we will be discussing sweet potato companion plants in this post so those of you who are interested in knowing about it will especially benefit from it. Here we will talk about good and some bad companion plants for sweet potato. Sweet potato is a shrubby trailing vine that grows up to 10 feet tall. This warm season tuber crop is very popular with almost everyone. Sweet potatoes can be used for many things, from chips to dinner casseroles. Besides, sweet potato is delicious to eat and also very nutritious. So without further ado let’s learn more about sweet potato companion plants.

Sweet Potato Companion Plants

Sweet potato is a protean and nutritional tuber that has become a chief in numerous cookeries around the world. Its sweet and earthy flavor, along with its emotional nutritive profile, make it a popular choice for a wide range of dishes. But did you know that sweet potatoes also thrive in the company of certain companion plants? Companion planting is a gardening practice that involves strategically placing compatible plants near each other to enhance growth, discourage pests, and ameliorate overall crop health.

Good Companion Plants For Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are a pleasurable addition to any garden, offering a rich and nutritional crop. While they thrive on their own, companion planting is a gardening strategy that can significantly profit your sweet potato crop.

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By precisely opting and arranging reciprocal plants, you can ameliorate soil health, discourage pests, and maximize your sweet potato yield.


Lettuce, with its lush cover, provides shade to sweet potatoes, helping retain soil humidity and reducing weed growth.


This cool-season green dyad well with sweet potatoes, optimizing space and offering a healthy, balanced garden.

Collard Greens

Collard flora helps discourage pests that might hang your sweet potato crop.


Bush or pole sap enriches the soil with nitrogen, a vital nutrient for sweet potato growth.

Peas – Sweet Potato Companion Plants

Sweet Potato Companion Plants
Sweet Potato Companion Plants

Peas, another nitrogen-fixing legume, contribute to soil fertility while adding visual appeal to your garden.


Cabbage family plants, like broccoli and cauliflower, help to repel pests that could harm sweet potatoes.


Planting onions alongside sweet potatoes can discourage aphids and enhance soil health.


Analogous to onions, garlic has pest-repelling parcels and can ameliorate overall garden health.


Chives discourage aphids and add a pleasurable onion- suchlike flavor to your dishes.

Sweet Potato Companion Plants Marigolds

These vibrant flowers not only add color to your garden but also discourage nematodes and other dangerous insects.


Nasturtiums act as bait, attracting aphids down from sweet potatoes.


Radishes serve as soil aerators and can be gathered before sweet potatoes develop.


Mint, with its sweet leaves, repels pests and creates an affable garden air.

Basil – Sweet Potato Companion Plants

Basil enhances the flavor of sweet potatoes and can discourage some common pests.


Oregano discourages aphids and spider diminutives, icing your sweet potatoes to stay pest-free.


Thyme’s sweet parcels repel pests while completing the flavors of sweet potatoes in your culinary creations.


Dill attracts salutary insects, similar to ladybugs, that can help control garden pests.

Sweet Potato Companion Plants Cilantro

Cilantro serves as a natural interference against aphids and spider diminutives.


These towering plants give precious shade to sweet potatoes, helping them thrive in hot rainfall.


Zinnias attract pollinators like notions and butterflies, promoting better flowering and yield in your sweet potatoes.


Tansy has natural nonentity-repelling parcels that keep numerous garden pests at bay, icing a healthier sweet potato crop.

Sweet Potato Companion Plants Chart

The sweet potato companion plants chart is given below tables:

SerialCompanion PlantsBenefits
1LettucePlanting lettuce near sweet potatoes provides shade and helps retain soil moisture.
2SpinachSpinach is a cool-season companion that complements sweet potatoes well.
3Collard GreensThese leafy greens can deter pests that might affect sweet potatoes.
4BeansBush beans or pole beans add nitrogen to the soil, benefiting sweet potato growth.
5PeasPeas are another nitrogen-fixing legume that enriches the soil.
6CabbageCabbage family plants help deter pests that can affect sweet potatoes.
7OnionsOnions can help deter pests and enhance soil health.
8GarlicGarlic has similar benefits to onions in terms of pest deterrence.
9ChivesChives can repel aphids and other garden pests.
10MarigoldsThese colorful flowers deter nematodes and other harmful insects.
11NasturtiumsNasturtiums can attract aphids away from sweet potatoes.
12RadishesRadishes help break up soil and can be harvested before sweet potatoes mature.
13MintMint can repel pests and has a pleasant aroma.
14BasilBasil can improve the flavor of sweet potatoes and deter some pests.
15OreganoOregano can deter aphids and spider mites.
16ThymeThyme has pest-repelling properties and complements sweet potato flavors.
17DillDill attracts beneficial insects and can deter harmful ones.
18CilantroCilantro can repel aphids and spider mites.
19SunflowersThese tall plants can provide shade to sweet potatoes.
20ZinniasZinnias attract pollinators that can benefit sweet potato flowering.
21TansyTansy has natural insect-repelling properties and can deter pests.

Bad Companion Plants For Sweet Potato

While companion planting can enhance the growth and health of sweet potatoes, there are some plants that are considered bad companions because they may contend for coffers, inhibit growth, or attract pests. Then are some plants to avoid planting near sweet potatoes.

Irish Potatoes

Sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes( regular potatoes) shouldn’t be planted near each other because they can be susceptible to analogous conditions, similar to scar, and can contend for nutrients.


Tomatoes and sweet potatoes are both susceptible to root-knot nematodes and planting them together can increase the threat of nematode infestation.


Peppers and sweet potatoes are both susceptible to whiteflies and aphids. Planting them together can attract these pests and increase the liability of infestations.

Pumpkins and Squash

These plants can spread and take up a lot of space, potentially shadowing sweet potatoes and limiting their growth.


Corn can be an altitudinous and thick factory, which can shade sweet potato vines and reduce their access to the sun.


Cucumbers can have a sprawling growth habit and may contend with sweet potatoes for space and nutrients.

Raspberries and Blackberries

These berry backwoods can spread roundly and produce thick shade, which may negatively impact sweet potato growth.


While sunflowers can be salutary in some cases, they may also cast too important shade on sweet potatoes if not planted strategically.


Fennel can inhibit the growth of numerous other plants due to allelopathic chemicals it releases from its roots.

Cabbage Family( Broccoli, Cauliflower,etc.)

These plants can attract analogous pests as sweet potatoes and may not be stylish companions.

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Note, that gardening practices can vary depending on position and specific conditions, so it’s essential to consider your original terrain and the unique characteristics of your garden when planning companion planting. Avoiding these bad companion plants and opting for the right mates can help you produce a harmonious and productive garden for your sweet potatoes.

Finally About Sweet Potato Companion Plants

Companion planting is a holistic approach to gardening that not only improves the health and yield of your sweet potatoes but also creates a more vibrant and biodiverse garden. By integrating these 21 companion plants into your sweet potato patch, you will be well on your way to enjoying a bountiful crop while fostering a thriving and balanced ecosystem in your garden. trial with these combinations, acclimatize them to your specific gardening conditions and watch as your sweet potatoes flourish in the company of their salutary companions. Happy gardening!

Sweet Potato Companion Plants Questions (FAQ)

What Can not be planted next to sweet potatoes?

Avoid planting Irish potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers next to sweet potatoes as they can contend for coffers or share analogous pests and conditions.

How close to plant sweet potatoes?

Space sweet potato plants about 12 to 18 elevation piecemeal in rows, with rows spaced 3 to 4 feet piecemeal to allow for
proper growth and root development.

Can you plant onions next to potatoes?

Yes, you can plant onions near potatoes as they’re generally compatible and may help discourage pests from each other.

What grows well next to onions?

Plants like lettuce, spinach, and carrots grow well coming to onions, as they’ve analogous light and water conditions.

How close can onions and potatoes be?

You can plant onions and potatoes in propinquity, allowing about 4 to 6 elevations of space between them, which provides enough room for growth without contending exorbitantly for coffers.


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