GP 1GB 18 TK Activation Code

gp 1gb 18 tk
GP 1GB 18 TK Offer

GP 1GB 18 TK is a special Gp internet offer providing by Grameenphone. This GP 18 Tk 1GB internet offer is a special short term offer for their special customers only and not for all time.  at the present provides an overwhelming internet offer for their customers. It is an additional very cheap and best Grameenphone internet offer. You will get 1 GB of the internet in exchange for 18 TK. You will get this offer for 7 days the validity period.

GP 1GB 18 TK offer is not for all Grameenphone customers. Only some special customers can enjoy the offer. Noe everyone can try to buy the pack. You will get 1 GB internet for 18 Tk for 7 days of internet balance usage. The price of this pack is very low. It is very difficult to get any low rate net packs.

GP 1GB 18 TK Activation Code

If you want to purchase this GP 18 Tk 1GB internet offer then should be required to dial its activation code. The activation code for this GP internet package is given below.

GP 1GB 18 TK Activation Code: *121*5082#

Check: GP Bondho Sim Offer

GP 1GB 18 TK Terms

GP 1GB 18 TK Pack terms and conditions are, This internet offer is not for All Grameenphone users. You will get this offer for 7 days. You can receive this pack up to 1-time maximum. This pack activation code dial *121*5082#
For your GP internet balance check, please press *121*1*4#.

The popular phone company sometimes provides a very cheap internet pack for their special regular customers. So it is one of them. You can try to purchase this GP internet offer very easily.

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