Basil Companion Planting | Best Guides

basil companion planting

Best guides about basil companion planting. Basil is easy to grow in herb gardens, orchards, or even on your kitchen window. Basil has spicy, aromatic leaves that add flavor to pasta sauces like sponge cake pesto, or it can be used fresh in salads or pizzas. If you have space in your garden, use basil as a companion plant to attract beneficial insects for your other crops.

With basil companion planting, you can add many crops because basil can grow additionally some others very easily. We discussed in details below:

What Is Basil Companion Planting?

Supplemental seeding is a proven gardening method that enriches and protects endangered plants. Farmers and gardeners plant certain plants together to deter pests, attract beneficial insects, and stimulate growth.

Peas and Tomatoes Companion Planting

Best Companion Plants to Grow With Basil

Basil can be considered altruistic in the garden thanks to its very fragrant leaves. Rather than requiring protection, it protects other crops by simultaneously attracting pollinators and deterring destructive insects that feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits such as beetles (bean beetles, Japanese beetles) and worms (bean worms). Tomato and cabbage worms). let other factories pay for it. Here are some common plants that will benefit from growing basil.


Basil is particularly beneficial against tomato worms. While the influence of one on the flavor of the other has been debated, basil has been shown to increase the yield of tomato plants when planted together.


The combination of basil and asparagus, in particular, attracts ladybugs, which can help control aphids and other garden pests. Basil also repels the asparagus beetle, which feeds on the delicate tips of new green asparagus shoots.

Chamomile, oregano, and chives

Basil can be planted alongside certain flowering herbs like chamomile, chives, and oregano that add punch to your neighbors’ herbal garden essential oils. This makes the basil more appetizing in culinary applications and effective as a pesticide in the garden. Basil cannot be planted with other herbs such as sage or rue.

Basil companion planting with marigold’s

marigolds and basil are natural insect repellants. So plant them together to double the strong odor protection.


Borage, a herb with blue star-shaped flowers, is popular with general pollinators and is also effective against insects that are pests of other basil companions such as the tomato worm. Not only does it enhance the growth and flavor of basil when worked alongside it, but it’s also an eye-catching and appealing accompaniment to gazpachos or summer salads.


Basil is doubly effective for peppers as it repels garden pests and provides dense ground cover. Peppers prefer moisture, and basil retains heat and moisture.

Root vegetables

The green leaves of parsnips, radishes, beets, carrots, and turnips all benefit from the repellent scents of a neighboring basil plant.

What Are the Benefits of Basil Companion Planting?

Complementary plants help a certain crop to grow or develop better compared to a certain crop and can provide a lot of support in the garden:

Beans and tomatoes companion planting

Repel insect pests

Cabbage worms, cucumber beetles, Mexican bean beetles, carrot flies, cabbage moths – all kinds of pests can plague orchards. Many companion plants (like calendula, catnip, and street flowers) repel certain pests and should be planted near certain crops to keep them pest-free.

Provide ground cover

Plants scattered around the ground (like oregano) act as a cover over the soil, protecting it from the sun and keeping it cooler for plants that need it.

Improve soil nutrients

As the plants grow they take up valuable nutrients from the soil, so at the end of the season, the gardener has to do a lot of work to replenish the nutrients in the soil. However, there are many complementary plants (like green beans and green beans) that add nutrients like nitrogen to the soil, helping to keep other plants healthy and well-nourished.

Encourage faster growth or better taste

Many companion plants (like marjoram, chamomile, and savory) release certain chemicals that promote faster growth or better flavor to surrounding plants, resulting in faster and better harvests for home gardeners.

Basil companion planting attract beneficial insects

Pollinators like bees and ladybugs can use a little inducement to visit gardens and pollinate plants. Gardeners often plant attractive plants, such as borage flowers, to encourage pollinators to visit them.

Provide necessary shade

Tall, bushy plants, like zucchini and asparagus, can provide nice shade for sun-sensitive plants below.

Serve as markers

When growing slow-growing plants, it can be difficult to know where the rows are while waiting for the seeds to germinate. Gardeners often use fast-growing plants (like radishes) interspersed with slow-growing plants in their rows to indicate where the slow-growing plants will be.

Plants Should Be Avoided Near Basil Companion Planting

Basil grows well with many plants, but certain plants should be avoided near basil.


While you can plant basil alongside chamomile, oregano, and chives, basil generally prefers the company of greens over other herbs and shouldn’t be planted near rue or sage. If you plant basil near rosemary, plant it in separate pots, as basil requires more water than rosemary.


Fennel is a garden fruit that does not grow well with most other garden plants, so it is not recommended for most home gardeners. While it can attract beneficial insects, it can actually act as a growth retarder for most other plants, stunting their growth or even killing them altogether.


Cucumbers are primarily water and as such take on the flavor of what is grown nearby. Herbs like basil can affect the taste of cucumbers. It is better to plant them far from each other for basil companion planting. Some gardeners also notice a decrease in cucumber production when planted near aromatic herbs.

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