Swiss Chard Companion Plants | 32 Good And Bad Companion Plants For Swiss Chard

Swiss chard companion plants. Swiss chard is a green vegetable scientifically known as betta. This green vegetable is rich in protein and nutrients and has been cultivated by gardeners for centuries. This healthy vegetable is popular with gardeners for its vibrant variegated stems and tender erect leaves. If you are not aware of this vegetable, you can plant it in your garden as it is a nutritious vegetable that can be grown with little effort. Companion planting is an important factor in a successful garden as it increases the health and productivity of the garden. Today’s post about Swiss chard companion plants can help you create a rich and harmonious garden ecosystem. So without further delay let’s read the complete post carefully.

Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Swiss chard is a protean and nutritional lush green vegetable that has been cultivated and enjoyed by gardeners and culinarians for centuries. Known for its vibrant, various stems and tender, scrumptious leaves, Swiss chard is a popular choice for home gardeners looking to add a touch of fineness and nutrition to their reflections. When it comes to successful gardening, companion planting is a strategy that can significantly enhance the health and productivity of your garden. In this companion, we will explore the world of Swiss chard companion plants, probing into the art of opting for suitable neighbors for this lush green and uncovering the numerous benefits of this harmonious gardening approach. Whether you are an educated gardener or just starting your gardening trip, learning about Swiss chard companion plants can help you produce a thriving and harmonious garden ecosystem.

Good Companion Plants For Swiss Chard

When it comes to gardening, the conception of companion planting is a strategy that has been employed for centuries. It involves strategically placing different factory species together to promote healthier growth, discourage pests, and maximize the use of available space.

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Swiss chard, with its vibrant leaves and stalks, is a protean and nutritional addition to any garden. To help you make the utmost of your Swiss chard civilization, let’s explore 21 companion plants that can enhance its growth and protect it from unwanted callers.


Swiss chard and lettuce are like the dynamic brace of the garden. They partake in analogous growing conditions, making them ideal companions. Together, they produce a lush and harmonious bed.


Radishes not only add a burst of color to your garden but also serve as natural pest deterrents for Swiss chard. They help keep aphids and splint miners at bay.


Planting carrots alongside Swiss chard is a smart move. These two crops have different root depths, reducing competition for nutrients while maximizing your garden’s productivity.


Onions can be Swiss chard’s guardian angels. Their pungent aroma can help repel aphids and other pests that might hang your lush flora.

Swiss Chard Companion Plants Garlic

Swiss Chard Companion Plants
Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Garlic is known for its strong scent, which can discourage numerous garden pests. Planting it near Swiss chard adds protection and flavor to your garden.


Basil not only enhances the flavor of Swiss chard in your kitchen but also deters aphids, canvases, and other unwanted insects.


Dill is not just for pickles; it can also attract salutary insects like ladybugs and parasitic wasps that cover Swiss chard from pests.


Nasturtiums serve as sacrificial hosts, diverting aphids down from Swiss chard. Plus, their vibrant blooms add a touch of beauty to your garden.

Marigolds – Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Marigolds do more than just look enough in your garden; they discourage nematodes and aphids, offering a double cure of garden protection.


Tomato plants can give important- demanded shade for Swiss chard during hot summer months, and they also help discourage specific insects.


Cucumbers can be grown vertically to give shade for Swiss chard without contending for precious garden space.


Pole beans are excellent companions for Swiss chard, offering support and shade while completing each other’s growth.

Swiss Chard Companion Plants Peas

Peas and Swiss chard make a harmonious brace in the garden, participating in analogous growing conditions and maximizing your available space.


Swiss chard and spinach both thrive in cool rainfall and can be planted together to produce a different and nutritional garden bed.


Lavender not only adds a pleasurable scent to your garden but also deters pests like aphids and canvases, guarding your Swiss chard.


Rosemary’s sweet leaves can help protect Swiss chard from pests while adding a touch of flavor to your dishes.

Oregano – Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Oregano is a condiment known for its pest-repelling rates. Factory it near Swiss chard to discourage aphids and spider diminutives.


Thyme is another sweet condiment that can confuse pests and keep them down from your Swiss chard, icing healthier growth.


Chives can discourage aphids and other insects that might harm Swiss chard, making them precious abettors in your garden.


Tarragon’s presence can confuse pests and help cover Swiss chard from unwanted callers while adding a unique flavor to your dishes.


Strategically planting mint can help discourage ants and aphids, creating a defensive hedge for your Swiss chard.

Swiss Chard Companion Plants Chart

The swiss chard companion plants chart is given below tables:

SerialCompanion plantsBenefits
1Lettuce:Swiss chard and lettuce make ideal companions as they have similar growth requirements and thrive together.
2Radishes:Planting radishes nearby helps deter aphids and leaf miners while the chard provides shade for the radishes.
3Carrots:Carrots and Swiss chard are compatible, with their different root depths minimizing competition for nutrients.
4Onions:Onions can help repel aphids and other pests that may affect Swiss chard.
5Garlic:Garlic’s strong scent can deter many garden pests, offering protection to Swiss chard.
6Basil:Basil enhances the flavor of Swiss chard while deterring aphids, flies, and other unwanted insects.
7Dill:Dill attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs and parasitic wasps that can protect Swiss chard from pests.
8Nasturtiums:Nasturtiums provide a sacrificial host for aphids, keeping them away from Swiss chard.
9Marigolds:These colorful flowers not only add beauty to your garden but also deter nematodes and aphids.
10Tomatoes:Swiss chard can benefit from the shade provided by tomato plants, and they also help deter certain insects.
11Cucumbers:Cucumbers can be grown vertically to provide shade for Swiss chard while avoiding competition for space.
12Beans:Pole beans can be planted near Swiss chard to offer support and shade without competing for nutrients.
13Peas:Peas and Swiss chard are compatible and can be interplanted to maximize space.
14Spinach:These two leafy greens grow well together and share similar growing conditions.
15Lavender:Lavender’s fragrance can deter pests like aphids and flies while adding a delightful scent to your garden.
16Rosemary:Rosemary can help deter certain pests and add a touch of flavor to your dishes.
17Oregano:Oregano’s aromatic leaves can help protect Swiss chard from pests like aphids and spider mites.
18Thyme:Thyme is another herb that deters pests and complements Swiss chard in the garden.
19Chives:Chives can help deter aphids and protect Swiss chard from insect damage.
20Tarragon:Tarragon’s aromatic presence can confuse pests and keep them away from your Swiss chard.
21Mint:Planting mint strategically can help deter ants and aphids, creating a protective barrier for Swiss chard.

Bad Companion Plants For Swiss Chard

While companion planting can enhance the health and productivity of your garden, there are also plants that may not be ideal companions for Swiss chard due to colorful reasons such as competition for coffers, vulnerability to the same pests or conditions, or inharmonious growth habits. Then are some plants that are generally considered bad companions for Swiss chard.


Both Swiss chard and kohlrabi are heavy affluents, meaning they bear significant nutrients. When planted together, they may contend for these nutrients, leading to suppressed growth.


Beets and Swiss chard are both members of the same factory species( Beta vulgaris), and they can attract analogous pests and conditions. Planting them together may increase the threat of participated issues.

Brassicas( Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower)

These plants can attract cabbage worms, which may also feed on Swiss chard if they’re in close propinquity.


Cornis is an altitudinous crop that can shade out Swiss chard, reducing its access to sun and potentially hindering its growth.


Potatoes and Swisschard are both susceptible to Colorado potato beetles. Planting them near each other may increase the liability of infestation.


Sunflowers have an expansive root system and may contend with Swiss chard for water and nutrients. also, their height can cast shade on the chard.


Parsnips have a long taproot that can intrude with the root development of Swiss chard and limit its growth.


Fennel produces chemicals that can inhibit the growth of nearby plants, including Swiss chard.


Rhubarb and Swiss chard are both prone to analogous conditions like rust. Planting them together can increase the threat of complaint transmission.

Wheat and Other Grasses

These can host aphids and other pests that may also affect Swiss chard.

Tall, Dense Plants

Any altitudinous and thick factory that tones Swiss chard exorbitantly can hamper its growth. This includes plants like altitudinous sunflowers, pole sap left to grow too thick, or large bushy sauces that block the sun.

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Note, that while these plants may not be stylish companions for Swiss chard, it’s important to remember that every garden is unique. Factors similar to garden layout, distance, and original environmental conditions can impact the success of companion planting. Experimentation and observation are crucial to choosing stylish factory combinations for your specific gardening situation.

Finally About Swiss Chard Companion Plants

Companion planting with Swiss chard opens up a world of possibilities for a thriving and harmonious garden. Trial with these companion plants to find combinations that work stylishly for your specific garden conditions. By embracing this age-old gardening strategy, you can produce a garden that not only yields bountiful crops but also fosters a balanced and pest-resistant ecosystem.

Swiss Chard Companion Plants Questions (FAQ)

What grows well with Swiss chard?

Swiss chard grows well with lettuce, radishes, carrots, onions, garlic, basil, dill, nasturtiums, marigolds, tomatoes, cucumbers, sap, peas, spinach, lavender, rosemary, oregano, thyme, chives, tarragon, and mint.

What can you not plant next to Swiss chard?

Avoid planting Swiss chard near kohlrabi, beets, brassicas( cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), sludge, potatoes, parsnips, fennel, rhubarb, wheat, or altitudinous, thick plants that may shade it exorbitantly.

Does chard need full sun?

Swiss chard prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade, especially in hot climates where some autumn shade can be salutary.

Can you plant Swiss chard with eggplant?

Swiss chard and eggplant can be grown together, but they have different soil and water conditions. It’s stylish to give them separate areas in the garden.

Does Swiss chard like fertilizer?

Swiss chard benefits from a balanced toxin, rather rich in organic matter, to promote healthy growth. still, the inordinate toxin can lead to inordinate lush growth with reduced flavor, so it’s essential to fertilize relatively.



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