Tomatillo Companion Plants | 15+ Tips

tomatillo companion plants

Tomatillo companion plants include growing other crops with tomatillo. you will get a clear idea about companion plants for tomatillos, pest control, harvesting, and many more. Tomatillos are closely similar and related to Cape gooseberries. The tomatillos except that the peels surrounding the actual fruit and their rounded tomato-like contents are slightly larger in size. The difference in taste is more important. Tomatillos have a special acidity that makes them a staple in Mexican cuisine, especially in green sauce, and that is why they are considered a vegetable. These firm, white-fleshed fruits grow in summer and look a bit like a large cherry tomato.

Tomatillo companion plants, The plants themselves are very easy to grow under the right conditions, they often remain small and die in winter, they can wait or even grow to the breast. Good for culture across the country in the summer. In winter, they are cut off by frost. For this reason, in cooler regions, it is grown as an annual plant with only one growing season.

Tomatillo Companion Plants


For Tomatillo companion plants, some root crops that act as complementary plants to tomatoes include carrots and onions. Onions scare away insects, mites, and ants in the garden, and you can also use onions to turn tomatoes into a sauce. Carrots break up the soil as they grow so that the roots of tomatillo plants are not restricted. Other vegetables that go well with tomatoes are hot peppers and asparagus. Peppers prevent root rot, while asparagus protects tomato plants from root nematodes. Tomatoes also grow well with peas, which add nitrogen to the soil.


Tomatoes go well with basil and parsley. Basil helps protect you from hornworms that eat the fruit in Tomatillo companion plants. The grass also repels other harmful pests such as spider mites. Parsley helps repel the asparagus beetle and attracts fly flies, the larvae of which feed on aphids. The grass also attracts predatory wasps, which hunt other pests. Just like basil and parsley are used to complement tomato dishes, herbs can also be used to make tomatoes.

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How to Plant Tomatillo

Plant in the spring when the soil has warmed up. Plant the tomatillo in full sun and protect them from strong winds which can damage the stems.

Growing tomatillos from seed

Like tomatillos, tomatillo seeds are usually sown in compost pots to allow the seeds to grow about 4-6 weeks before planting. Potted beans are grown entirely on a windowsill or greenhouse in areas prone to frost or in a cold frame in warmer areas. If they have at least 2 or 3 sets of leaves, they are large enough to plant.


Tomatillos grow best in rich, fertile, free-draining soils that aren’t too wet after rain. Good garden soil with dug compost should work just fine. They grow well in containers as long as watering is regular.

Tomatillo plant

When the weather has warmed up enough and there is no longer a risk of frost, the seedlings can be planted in the garden. The plants should be within walking distance of each other. Soak them in water before planting them. Prepare the planting area. The soil should be free of weeds and well dug at least to the full depth of the shovel. Place the plant in a hole slightly larger than the container it entered. Fill in the root ball and make sure there are no air pockets. Fountain.

When planting in a container, use a standard potting soil enriched with compost or rotten manure. This should help provide essential nutrients and retain some moisture after watering. It is also important to make sure that the containers have drainage holes and do not collect water.

How to Grow Tomatillo

Varieties of Tomatillo

Ancestral variety Grande Verde with large green fruits. Plants that grow vigorously produce a relatively early harvest. Ancestral purple variety with striking dark purple fruits with a light greenish pulp that tastes sweeter than the green varieties.


Protect from snails and snails. Keep plants free of weeds to retain moisture. Water in dry weather. Always water at the base of the plants; Avoid spraying the foliage as this can spread fungal diseases.

Food for tomatillo companion plants

Depending on how well the soil composted, you might want to give your growing plants an extra boost with a little liquid seaweed or worm juice, but tomatillos usually don’t overfeed. Overfeeding can lead to too many leaves and little fruit.

Flowering period

tomatillos bloom in spring and early summer, they are pollinated by bees; Two plants can help improve pollination and increase yields.


Tomatoes should be pollinated by hand or get help from bees and other pollinators. Adding complementary plants that attract these pollinators can help pollinate your tomatillo plants. Marigolds and nasturtiums these two flowering plants that may attract pollinators. Marigolds also have the added benefit of repelling nematodes into the soil, while nasturtiums deter whiteflies.

Pests Control for tomatillo companion plants

Snails eat soft stems and leaves, as do night patrols. If they grow in soil that does not flow freely, they can develop mold in mid to late summer. Improves drainage or pot growth. Aphids can colonize plants even if they go unnoticed, then use tomato leaf, garlic, or neem oil spray.

Tomatillo Harvesting

Fruits form from spring and plants can remain productive in summer and fall to winter depending on climatic conditions. The small lantern-shaped bowls are green when they are first formed, and the fruits inside are also green. Wait for the lanterns to fall into place before harvesting. The fruit should still be green and firm to the touch on the inside, although the skin has already wilted slightly to a pale brown color. Regular harvesting keeps the fruit ripe. If you want to preserve your tomatillos before use, save the pods after picking them.

Tomatillo Harvesting

Tomatillos can keep for weeks if stored in a dry, ventilated container inside or outside the refrigerator. All parts of the fruit, except the rind, are edible. Tomatillos can be frozen whole or chopped. Before use, clean the skin of any sticky residue.

What Not to Plant With Tomatillo Companion Plants

You should know about the unfriendly plants for tomatillo companion plants. However, tomatillos are incompatible with some of the garden favorites. Kohlrabi and Corn should be planted within a separate area of ​​the garden when growing tomatillos. Corn attracts pests that attack the tomatillo plant, and kohlrabi slows the growth of the tomatillo plant.

The plant also doesn’t grow well with fennel or dill. Dill and fennel contain oils that inhibit root development and can kill neighboring plants. Potatoes and eggplants attract Colorado beetles and aphids and should not be planted near tomatillos, which are also susceptible to these pests. So was the post about Tomatillo companion plants? If you like this post please share it with your social media friends.

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